8249: Vocational Schools, Not Elsewhere Classified

Record Count: 

Establishments primarily engaged in offering specialized vocational courses, not elsewhere classified. Also included in this industry are establishments primarily engaged in furnishing educational courses by mail. Offices maintained by such schools for the sale of correspondence courses are included. Beauty schools are classified in Industry 7231, and barber schools are classified in Industry 7241. Establishments primarily engaged in offering flying instruction are classified in Industry 8299. Schools offering academic degrees are classified in Industry Groups 821 and 822.

  • Aviation schools, excluding flying instruction
  • Banking schools (training in banking)
  • Commercial art schools
  • Construction equipment operation schools
  • Correspondence schools, including branch offices and solicitors
  • Nursing schools, practical
  • Real estate schools
  • Restaurant operation schools
  • Trade schools
  • Truck driving schools
  • Vocational apprenticeship training
  • Vocational schools: except high schools, data processing, or business

CPM: Starting at $50/M

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