This ample collection of consumers has had their credit card turned down when attempting to make a purchase. These individuals have been solicited via telemarketing. After accepting the offer to make a purchase the credit card they provided was rejected during the payment authorization process.
The consumers represented here are an excellent audience for all types of offers that might help to rebuild credit. These include secured credit cards, promotional offers, debt consolidation, subprime financial offers and much more.
In addition, to acting as prospects, this pool of consumers can be utilized for suppression filters by catalogers and other merchandisers.
3846794 | Total Universe / Universe Rate | $95.00/M |
352785 | 1 Month Hotline | + $10.00/M |
762288 | *Phones - ALL | + $20.00/M |
405994 | *Phones - DNC Scrubbed | + $20.00/M |
media type
data card maintenance
This ample collection of consumers has had their credit card turned down when attempting to make a purchase. These individuals have been solicited via telemarketing. After accepting the offer to make a purchase the credit card they provided was rejected during the payment authorization process.
The consumers represented here are an excellent audience for all types of offers that might help to rebuild credit. These include secured credit cards, promotional offers, debt consolidation, subprime financial offers and much more.
In addition, to acting as prospects, this pool of consumers can be utilized for suppression filters by catalogers and other merchandisers.
Monthly Hotlines Available!!
HOTLINE | $10.00/M |
PHONE NUMBER | $20.00/M |
AGE | $5.00/M |
GENDER/SEX | $5.00/M |
GEO SELECT | $5.00/M |