Coming Soon: RoboCop Stops RoboCar

Headlines: Data Industry

Next time you're cruising up to one of those express toll lanes that somehow scans your EZPass or whatever tag you use without slowing down, think about how fast you're actually going when you whiz by. Or if it's just you and the open road around Big Sur and you want to let your inner Niki Laude out, think again. The fact is your car probably has an Event Data Recorder, or EDR that captures all of your driving data. All of it. While that data may not be made available to third parties such as law enforcement as a matter of course, it could be subpoenaed in the event of an accident. Senator Al Franken, chairman of a Judiciary subcommittee on privacy has joined the fray, responding to a Government Accounting Office Report on privacy issues created by what are called "In-Car Location-Based Services".