Adding Up The Value Of Data Driven Marketing

Headlines: Data Industry

During her address to the annual DMA conference in Chicago, DMA President and CEO Linda Woolley unveiled a landmark study titled. "The Value of Data: Consequences for Insight, Innovation, and Efficiency in the U.S. Economy". Commissioned by the Data Driven Marketing Institute and co-authored by Professors John Deighton of Harvard Business School and Peter Johnson of Columbia University, the study is designed to quantify the value to our economy of Data Driven Marketing. "The study fills a significant gap in understanding about massive changes currently transforming the U.S. marketing and advertising industries – changes propelled by the growing quantity and variety of data available to businesses and consumers alike," Woolley said.  "Given that every industry in America relies on data-driven marketing, the results of this first-ever effort to systematically and objectively map, measure, and analyze the DDME will benefit anyone with an interest in a vital, efficient, and growth-producing marketplace for goods and services in the U.S." Learn More