Mailing Lists Audit Reports

Get Mailing List Audit Reports To Monitor Data Quality

Accountability. It's one more way we work to earn your trust. Below are just some of the Dun & Bradstreet Business data files that are updated monthly to ensure maximum hygiene and deliverability.

US Business Database from D&B - Masterfile – Counts of the US Masterfile including geography, demographics, and linkage.

International Businesses database from D&B - Worldbase – Counts including geography, demographics, and linkage.

Duns Decisionmakers from D&B – Counts of the DDM file.

Masterfile and Hotlist Overview – Monthly highlights of the Masterfile and Hot List.

...and much more.

Call us at (914) 948-8300 or email to learn how works tirelessly in partnership with D&B to make your sales lead data better, and keep it that way.