Do Not Sell My Personal Information

Residents of California, Colorado, Connecticut, Florida, Iowa, Montana, Oregon, Nevada, Texas, Utah, and Virginia have the right to opt-out of the sale or certain types of sharing of their personal information. 


To opt out, please submit the form below. The information in this form is being collected for the sole purpose of locating your personal information in our database so it can be removed and will not be stored, rented, or shared. 


If you prefer to make your opt-out request by telephone, you can do so by calling (855) 913-0715 toll free. 


Authorized agents who are submitting requests on behalf of individuals must submit written authorization signed by the individual giving them permission to act on that individual’s behalf. 


We may request additional information from you to verify your identity before processing your request. 


The information collected will be used to confirm the correct person is removed from our systems.

If you are an agent acting on behalf of a consumer, you must first provide a certification of good standing with your US state of incorporation.

Certification can be sent to

Once authorized, we will accept uploads with written authorization signed by the consumer, and ultimately submit a request on behalf of the consumer.

Files must be less than 2 MB.
Allowed file types: pdf.